About Funny Ads Club

Tom Snyder photo
Tom Snyder

"Life is too important to be taken so seriously"

Hi, I'm Tom

I'm a marketer and entrepreneur in Austin, TX.

Some of my other projects include:

hey, if you like this project, sign up.

And if you LOVE it, consider supporting it 😄

(keep in mind that your support will most likely go to my severe coffee habit)

About Funny Ads Club: Where I Turn Chuckles into Cha-Ching!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I've decided that laughing all the way to the bank is way more fun than just... going to the bank.

My Totally Serious (Not Really) Mission

I created Funny Ads Club because I firmly believe that the best way to a customer's wallet is through their funny bone. Call me the Indiana Jones of advertising – I've scoured magazines, squinted at billboards, and braved the wild jungles of the internet to bring you the most hilarious ads known to humankind.

What Makes This Place Special (Besides My Charming Personality)

Sure, I could've just tossed a bunch of funny ads your way and called it a day. But where's the fun in that? Nope, I've gone the extra mile. For each ad, I've included my own "humor autopsy" – a breakdown of why it's funny that would make even my high school English teacher proud. It's like Comedy 101, minus the awkward open mic nights.

Fueling Your Creative Engine (No Fossil Fuels Used)

Stuck in a creative rut? Banging your head against the wall for fresh ideas? Step away from that "Inspirational Quotes" calendar (we both know it's not helping) and dive into my pool of witty wisdom instead. I promise you'll either emerge with brilliant ideas or at least have a good laugh trying. Warning: Side effects may include uncontrollable giggling and a sudden urge to pun.

Join My Merry Band of Mischief Makers

By signing up, you'll get the VIP pass to my ever-growing comedy club of ads. And like that one friend who always has a new joke (yes, that's me), I'm constantly adding fresh material. It's like Netflix for funny ads, minus the "are you still watching?" judgment.

Ready to turn your marketing from "meh" to mirthful? Join Funny Ads Club today and let's start this journey from ad bore to ad score together!

Remember: In a world full of serious ads, be the one that makes them laugh... all the way to the bank! (That's my motto, but I'm willing to share.)


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