Free Coffee From

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funny ad - Free Coffee From

Why this ad is funny

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Visual Progression

This ad humorously employs a clever, interactive visual to make its point. It features a bus stop ad board filled with coffee beans on the left, and on the right, it shows the same ad board with noticeably fewer coffee beans. The gimmick lies in how the beans seemingly get "consumed" over time.

Real-Time Experience

The ad isn’t static – it changes as days go by, mirroring the depletion of coffee beans. This visual progression from a full bean container to a nearly empty one correlates with the duration of the free coffee offer. It’s a fun, engaging way to draw attention and keep passersby interested.

Clear Messaging

The bold text makes the offer clear – “FREE COFFEE FROM APRIL 20TH UNTIL MAY 3RD.” This messaging aligned with the gradually decreasing coffee beans reinforces the urgency and entices people to take advantage of the offer before it's all gone. The visual metaphor of the beans disappearing underscores the limited-time nature of the promotion, making viewers think, “I better get my free coffee before it runs out!”

Brand Connection

McDonald’s clever use of a bus stop ad is particularly smart – it targets commuters who might be prime candidates for a quick coffee stop. Clean, direct branding ensures that viewers associate this engaging and amusing visual with McDonald's right away.

Engaging Humor

The humor in this ad lies in its interactive and relatable concept. Watching the coffee beans "disappear" over time is amusing and creates a sense of communal anticipation. It’s a light-hearted and playful way to convey a promotion without needing words – the disappearing beans tell the story all on their own.


In summary, this ad is funny because it creatively and interactively uses the concept of depleting coffee beans to illustrate a limited-time offer. The visual gag is engaging and relatable, making viewers chuckle and think about grabbing that free coffee from McDonald's before it's “all gone,” just like the beans. It’s humor that combines wit with effective marketing to make the offer irresistible.