Just added ads from Ford, Nintendo, Loctite, and more! 9/2/2024

The best collection of LMAO ads on the Internet

Find the campaigns to inspire your copywriting and ad creative. Make 'em laugh and improve engagement rates while you're at it.

Why use humor in marketing and advertising?

Grabs Attention Faster Than Free Samples
In a world of endless scrolling, a funny ad is like a record scratch for the eyes. It makes people stop, look, and listen.
Makes Your Brand More Memorable
Quick, name a boring ad you saw last week. Can't do it? Now think of a funny one. See? That's the power of humor at work!
Builds an Emotional Connection
When you make someone laugh, you're not just a brand anymore. You're that witty friend they want to hang out with (and buy from).
Increases Shareability
Funny ads are like the cool kids of the internet – everyone wants to be seen with them. Watch your content go viral faster than cat videos!
Softens Your Sales Pitch
Nobody likes being sold to, but everyone likes a good laugh. Humor lets you sneak your message in while your audience is busy wiping away tears of joy.
Showcases Your Brand Personality
Humor shows you're human. It tells your audience, "Hey, we don't take ourselves too seriously, and we get you."

Ready to Unleash the Power of Humor?

Dive into our library of hilarious ads and learn how to tickle your audience's funny bone. Remember, in the battle for attention, laughter is your secret weapon.

Sign up now and turn those "Ha-ha"s into "Cha-ching"s!